In March of this year we sent a Winter Warmth Kit (Extreme Cold Weather Military Sleeping Bag, military foam sleeping pad, and bivy / waterproof sleeping bag cover) to a Vet in need in the Canton area.
Yesterday, our good friend from Ohio Means Jobs shared with us a wonderful success story, as Charles is no longer homeless …
“Charles would not enter his new home. He was homeless 7 years with his dog. The [Winter Warmth kit] helped provide a way to ‘connect’ with Charles, and also became his ‘comfort’ for several weeks in his own back yard till he worked through it to be able to sleep in his own bed.”
This story shows not only what great work Ohio Means Jobs does to help veterans, but also shows why we love to work with programs like these and other homeless outreach teams. The winter warming items are good for more than just helping the clients out with things they are in great need of. It also helps these teams build a rapport with these clients, as to better serve them and assist them in becoming more willing to let the teams help them. A win-win
Charles’ video success story: