On the final day of 2024, we joined our great outreach team partners Jim and (nurse) Nancy in downtown Cleveland this morning on homeless outreach.

As we wrap up 2024, we wanted to send out a thanks to all of our awesome supporters! Without you, none of this work could be done.

Thanks to your donations, we were able to share the following winter warming items for those in need:
– 15 pop-up tents
– 13 winter sleeping bags
– 10 winter camping mats
– 20 pairs of men’s sweatpants
– 33 pairs of gloves
– 20 emergency radios
– 123 pairs of socks
– 6 hats

Today on our trip we met:
– A lady sleeping on a sidewalk near a bus stop
– Left food for Jay who was sleeping under a bridge
– Met Dennis at a soup kitchen who had recently received housing

Also we were excited to hear of a recent program by the City of Cleveland called “A home for every neighbor” which has this year housed 120 homeless individuals with their $2 million grant and program!