Today we had a great day on outreach helping the homeless in Lorain, OH thanks to your support. On our journey today we met:

Matt – a young man living under a bridge on & off now for 3 years
Charlie – who was living in the woods near a railroad track
Stan – a man panhandling on the side of the road in need of food & warming items
Lewis – another panhandler who was also living near a bridge near the downtown city center.
–> Lewis surprised us with a small and awesome gesture of asking us to join him in a prayer of thanks for everything he received today. How cool!

In total, thanks to the generousity of many like you we were able to donate:
– 18 pairs of winter wool socks
– 10 sleeping bags
– 10 winter jackets
– 24 hats
– 80 hand warmers

We’d also like to send a special thanks to Michelle, Tracy, and Darla from the Great Lakes Church for all they did today to help us help others!